Tuesday, February 17, 2009


This is one of those topics I have really tried to get my wife to understand for quite awhile. So if my wife has become complacent I am sure you have as well. I dont think that it will be from a suitcase nuke. My personal feeling is that it will be a soft target such as a school. The terrorist claim they want to kill millions of women and children in order to inflict as much pain on America as possible. It is estimated that there are about 20,oo0 terrorists already in the U.S.. Remember the school in Beslan and the 5 terrorist took over the school and killed 338 adults and children. Now lets do the math. 20,000 teroorist divided by 5 terrorist for each elementary school equals 4000 schools across America. Now with the average size school being 800 students, which is probably low, that is 3.2 million kids plus the teachers and other staff. So i would say probably say 3.5 million to 4 million people dead. Can it happen? You bet it can and our school systems and government are doing nothing about it.

The next problem we are going to have are the gangs that are everywhere in America and no one talks about it. This is a major problem yet the government never addresses it. Oh they may have a gang task force of 30 or 40 people,"BIG FRICKIN DEAL". It is estimated that there are over 100,ooo gang members in Los Angeles alone. Dallas same estimations!

Let's just assume 100,000 gang members in each of our 10 major cities.

That is a million heavily armed gang members that want to sell your kids drugs, rape your wives and daughters, and kill everyone else. 1999 estimated gang membership at http://www.ncjrs.gov/ was around 850,000. I would be willing to say that number is at least double now.

As I drive all over this country I see signs of gangs everywhere. You have the Crips,Surenos,Nortenos,Mexican Mafia, Texas Mafia,MS-13 and on and on and on. Now our military is training the gangs how to kill us. Dont believe me then watch these http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4z4oq43cr88, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWgDGvkb8ZU, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fg9VGAUPko0. They tell us it is only

1 percent that are a problem. Yeah right! Even at that it is 10-20 thousand

to go back to their gangs and train the over 1 million gangbangers. Boy I feel better. Sorry for the rant but this stuff is really starting to piss me off.
That is it for now and remember GOOD WEATHER AND GOOD TRUCKING!!!


  1. Hate to admit it, but you brought forth some points I hadn't thought of before. Attacking a school or a number of schools, would certainly demoralize the country.

    As far as the gang problem, the government(state or local) should have started on this problem long ago. As things stand right now, it may be a little too late. I hope not!
